SITE BOSS CMS Administration Panel
The Administration Panel is the heart of the entire system. It's like the Adminstration Office or Ground Control. The Administration Panel is where you Create, Edit or Delete the content that appears on your business website. whether it be Web Pages, Product Pages, Navigation Categories or Sub-Categories . It is also where you create and manage Meta Data for Search Engine Indexing. All Navigation tasks are carried out through The Administration Panel.
It's Child's Play
It is the SITE BOSS CMS Administration Panel that really makes SITE BOSS CMS the easiest, most logical CMS to use. Other CMS products are highly complex and require in-depth training, even certification to be able to operate them. Often this is because they've been designed by programmers for programmers, not for the ordinary computer user.
We see things differently. We believe that not everyone who wants to manage their own website successfully has the mind of a programmer. Therefore, it was up to us to simplify each of the processes and apply common sense to the situation so that everyday users would immediately love working with SITE BOSS CMS.
Only Got A Few Products?
If you are a product based business with only a few products, you may decide you simply want all of your products grouped under one Navigation Category called 'Products' and create a page for each product within the one category. If you don't have too many products, this works pretty well.
We're A Bit Bigger Than That!
On the other hand, if you have hundreds of products you may like to be a bit more specific with how you categorise them. You may like to create some Navigation Categories, for example, ‘Product Types’, ‘Product Series’ and 'Product Brands' as Navigation Categories with subcategories for each to allow product information to be logically organised for easy site navigation by visitors. The nice thing is, you can then create a single product page for each product and assign it into any or all of these three categories or their subcategories.
Understanding The Customer
Regardless of how your visitors wish to locate your products, based on their understanding, you've given them a way to do so that makes sense. To explain it better, if a visitor has a general idea of what he's after, he might like to browse through 'Product Types. If he knows the manufacturer of the product, he may prefer to browse through 'Product Brands', find the brand subcategory that he's after and proceed from there. And of course, SITE BOSS CMS comes complete with a powerful Search Engine of its own to enable visitors to work the way they want to when they visit your site.